
The following describes how to install the ROS-PyBullet Interface.


  • ROS Noetic

    • Melodic, and past version should work fine (only Melodic has been tested) so long as you configure ROS to use Python 3

    • ROS2 is currently unsupported, however this is in-development

    • catkin_tools

    • rosinstall

    • rosdep

  • Ubuntu 20.04

    • Other versions should work, provided Python 3 is installed

  • Python 3

  • urdf_parser_py, see here.

From binaries

Currently, this is in-progress.

From source

  1. Create a catkin workspace or use an existing workspace. catkin_tools is the preferred build system.

  2. cd to the src directory of your catkin workspace.

  3. Clone this repository: $ git clone

  4. Install source dependencies: $ rosinstall . --catkin --nobuild

  5. Install binary dependencies: $ rosdep update ; rosdep install --from-paths ./ -iry

  6. Compile the workspace: $ catkin build -s

  7. Source the workspace: $ source $(catkin locate)/devel/setup.bash

Now you should be able to run the examples.