Communication with ROS

In this section, we discuss generally the kind of communication that the interface has with ROS. This is mainly in terms of topics/services. For PyBullet object specific ROS communication, see previous sections.


Several services are instantiated when the ROS-PyBullet Interface node is launched. These allow you to either programatically interact with PyBullet from your own code, or from the command line. These serives are detailed as follows.

rpbi/start (std_srv/Trigger)

The simulation is started, if it has been stopped.

rpbi/step (std_srv/Trigger)

If the simulation is stopped, then it is stepped by one time-step. The duration of the time-step is given by the timeStep parameter in the main configuration file.

rpbi/stop (std_srv/Trigger)

The simulation is stopped, if it is running.

rpbi/get_debug_visualizer_camera (ros_pybullet_interface/GetDebugVisualizerCamera)

When this service is called, the response returns the current parameters for the main visualizer: i.e. cameraDistance, cameraYaw, cameraPitch, and cameraTargetPosition.

rpbi/add_pybullet_object (ros_pybullet_interface/AddPybulletObject)

An object is added to PyBullet. The service allows you to either load from file or pass the configuration for the object. The input for the service expects a ros_pybullet_interface/PybulletObject message - see here.

For both cases (i.e. load from filename or configuration), an object_type must be given. Either PybulletObject.VISUAL, PybulletObject.COLLISION, PybulletObject.DYNAMIC, PybulletObject.ROBOT, PybulletObject.SOFT, or PybulletObject.URDF.

Load from filename: the PybulletObject.filename variable must be set. You can specify reletive filenames by giving a ROS package name in the format {ros_package}/path/to/file.yaml.

Load from configuration: if you want to pass the configuration in the service then you need to send it as a string, that is ultimately a yaml file. In Python, the best way to do this is to specify the configration in a dict (in the same way a yaml file is loaded) and convert it to a string using the config_to_str method provided in custom_ros_tools.config. See example below.

from custom_ros_tools.config import config_to_str
from ros_pybullet_interface.msg import PybulletObject

# make config
config = {}
# ...

# Setup request
req = PybulletObject(config=config_to_str(config))

Note: loading from a filename takes precedence - if you want to load by passing the configuration then the filename parameter must not be set.

rpbi/remove_pybullet_object (cob_srv/SetString)

Given the PyBullet object name as the only parameter, the object is removed from PyBullet, and all ROS communication for that object is closed.

PyBullet Status

From when the ROS-PyBullet node is launched, the state of PyBullet is published to the topic rpbi/status (with type std_msgs/Int64). By default, this is published at 50Hz, however you specify the frequency through the status_hz parameter in the main configuration file. The message on the topic indicates whether the simulator is running or not. If it is running, then the value of the message is 1, otherwise it is 0.

Time and ROS Clock

It is possible to syncronize the ROS clock time with the PyBullet simulation time. This means that when you call in Python or ros::Time::now() in C++, the value will be equal to the simulation time in PyBullet. This can only be done when the ROS-Pybullet Interface node is configured to use manual time stepping (the reason for this is because the Pybullet simulator time is not currently exposed). To synconize the PyBullet simulator time and ROS clock time, set the Boolean ROS parameter use_sim_time to true.